AD || We have been in a pandemic for well over a year now and although things are starting to look brighter, the new daily ‘accessories’ we now have to carry (face mask and hand sanitiser) look like they are here to stay for a lot longer.
It has been stressed to us so much over the year to make sure we wash our hands and sanitise at every given moment which has led to an increase in reports of dry, chapped hands.
Ways to care for your hands at home
The best way to care for your hands at home and bring them back to life is to ensure you follow the simple steps below.
1. Use a good quality hand wash
Look for a hand wash that is free from containing harsh chemicals. These chemicals can actually cause skin conditions and break down your hands’ protective barrier causing red, inflamed, itchy skin. Hand washes containing natural ingredients will be gentle on your hands significantly reducing the risk of dry hands.
2. Use warm water to wash your hands
Warm tepid water is the ideal temperature you should be washing your hands with. Hot water actually dries your skin out over time. The soap you are using will still be effective regardless of the temperature of the water you are using.
3. Pat your hands dry
Once you have washed your hands, you should pat them dry to avoid drying your hands out even more. If your hands are already sore or sensitive then rubbing them dry with a towel is the last thing you want to be doing. Just simply pat them dry.
4. Moisturise, moisturise, moisturise!
After patting your hands dry, use a good moisturiser to seal in the moisture which will keep your hands hydrated. This is the key component to rejuvenate your skin and give your hands that healthy look again. Like with the hand wash, using a moisturiser that contains natural ingredients will be a lot gentler on the skin too.
Having a good moisturising routine
It’s important to have a good moisturising routine for the whole of your body, not just your hands. Moisturising before bed will deeply nourish your skin and replenish the moisture that has been stripped.
Moisturising is something we can easily forget about so caring a pocket sized moisturiser will remind us every time we open our glove boxes in our cars or even our handbags! It’s also a good idea to keep one at work with you where possible such as on your desk.
If you’re still struggling with dry chapped skin after moisturising regularly and opting for a soap containing natural ingredients, then maybe speak to your GP who might be able to prescribe something stronger to help heal the irritation.
Feel confident in your hands
Suffering from dry chapped hands can make you feel a little self-conscious as they don’t always look that nice. Dry flaky skin, or red patches that are itchy or even bleeding can make you want to hide your hands when out and about. By changing your handwashing routine to cover all the steps above will help you feel confident again.
Remember, it’s still important to wash and sanitise your hands to keep you and everyone else safe. Just remember to up your moisturising, use gentle products and pat dry!
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