If you are keen to make sure that you are looking after your own mind properly, there are a lot of aspects to your life that you might want to consider. One of the first places to look is the home, as this is probably where you spend a good deal of your time, and it is also likely to be somewhere that tends to reflect you and your life quite well. If you are not happy in your home, you are probably not happy anywhere. So how does your home affect your mental health, and what can you hope to do about it in order to improve your mental health?

Poor Housing Situation
There is a very strong link between your overall housing situation and your mental health. Those in poorer settings are considerably more likely to experience poor mental health and vice versa. Therefore, one of the major things to look at is your overall situation and whether it needs improving. Which is not to say that you can necessarily just click your fingers and make it happen. It is something to be aware of at least. This is a major effect that we should all consider as a society.
Lack Of Personality
If your home has a distinct lack of any personality, that can be one of the major ways in which it is likely negatively affecting your mental health. After all, if you don’t feel at home in your own home, then that is going to make things a lot more difficult for you in general. The best way to work around this and improve things is to think about what you can do to make your home closer to your own ideas and personality. That could mean enlisting architects or you might just need to change up the decor a little.
In general, an unclean and untidy home is likely to mirror a messy and anxious mind. It might be that your anxiety came first, but in any case, you can bring about some great improvements just by working on improving the cleanliness in the home as much as possible. You might be surprised at what a difference it can make. Simply keep your house clean and tidy; free of random clutter that piles up everywhere. Give it a go and see if you feel any better. You might be surprised at how powerful this can be.
Clearing The Air
There is much to be said for the simple and yet powerful act of, quite literally, clearing the air. If you are able to keep your windows open and let air flow freely, and perhaps improve the scent of the air in the home, you will find that the enjoyment of being at home is much greater in general. This is a deceptively simple and yet amazing thing to consider. You should make sure that you are bearing this in mind if you are at a loss as to what to do.
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