So you probably shouldn’t drown your sorrows in credit card debt. But there are actually some psychological perks too! The feeling of getting something on sale, or using coupons and voucher codes from somewhere like is pretty neat. But there are other reasons that a little spot of retail therapy can brighten up your mood a bit.
So let’s start with the science behind retail therapy. Research at the University of Michigan Ross Business School found that the shopping experience may be able to help relieve residual sadness.
There is a range of other studies that say people who shop every day were 25% more likely to live longer. And the most significant revelation from a study by Taiwan’s National Health Research Institute found that men are more likely to benefit from shopping than women.
So, all of the leg work of a good shopping session can have a positive effect on the rest of your life. Handy!
This might be a little bit of a stretch, but actually, if you have ever been shopping on Black Friday or even in the January sales, you’ll know how much effort can go into grabbing a bargain or two. There are some beautiful malls in the world too. Some of the nicest to visit in person are:
West Edmonton Mall – had a vast 800 stores and a wide range of restaurants also. Not only that, but it has a 3D fun house and the world’s most colossal triple-loop roller coaster.
The Dubai Mall – hosts a whopping 1,200 retail stores and over a hundred restaurants. There is a children’s entertainment centre and a movie theatre too.
Istanbul Cevahir – Playing home to 12 cinemas, a roller coaster, a beautiful glass roof and one of the world’s largest clocks it’s quite a sight.
So it isn’t a surprise that shopping can give you a decent workout.
Look Good, Feel Good
There is a lot of confidence and joy to be found when you manage to buy something that is of excellent quality, will last a while, and makes you feel great. And although you shouldn’t lean on clothing to be your source of confidence, because it is something that comes from within, a little boost from grabbing something you love isn’t a bad thing.
When you are thinking about what outfit you might wear, and which shoes go with what shirt your creative juices start flowing even more when you stop for a coffee. That simple act can make you feel more creative in other areas because your brain is a little more relaxed. It is part of the reason that online shopping and Pinterest are so wonderful. New styles and influences from different cultures can help on a project that you have in your home or even at work.
If you don’t regularly see your friends due to work and family commitments, then the chances are you can make a date out of shopping. Heading to your favourite coffee shop, or for lunch, halfway through is a great time to have a chat and catch up.
You don’t have to splurge to get the mental benefits of a spot of shopping either, a little here and there will do the trick too.