There are new skincare treatments that are brought to our attention every year, and it is sometimes difficult to decide whether it is worth giving them a go or sticking to what you know. The skincare treatment being looked at here is a dermaplaning facial. This facial treatment uses a scalpel to remove dead skin cells from your face. It will also remove any of the soft hairs you have on your face. Here are five facts that will help you decide if you want to get a dermaplaning facial treatment.
Here are the facts you need to know
No Chemicals Are Used
Many people can be opposed to some facials because of the chemicals that they use to exfoliate your skin. With dermaplaning, there are no chemicals used; it instead uses a scalpel to scrape across the skin gently and exfoliate your face. The removal of dead skin cells, hair and any other debris from your face is what leaves it feeling soft and smooth afterwards.
As there are no chemicals involved, it also means this type of facial is pretty low-risk and is suitable for all skin types. If your skin feels particularly irritated, it may be best to reschedule your appointment so that you do not irritate it more. You can even have the treatment when you are pregnant, as there is no risk to the foetus.
You will need to use sun protection after the procedure
As the dermaplaning treatment removes the outer layer of dead skin from your face, it can be more vulnerable to sun damage after undergoing exfoliation. All this means is that you should wear sun protection to help protect your skin. If you are generally out in the sun, this is something that you should do anyway, so it is not too different from a regular skincare routine.
Dermaplaning is not painful
The word scalpel might make you worry because most people think of a painful procedure when they hear the word ‘scalpel.’ The feeling can be compared to that of shaving your legs, but instead, on your face. You’ll be able to feel the blade, but there shouldn’t be any pain if it is being done correctly. You don’t even need any time to recover after the treatment. Your face may be a bit red, but you can carry on with whatever you need to do straight afterwards.
Your skin will look brighter after the procedure
Once any redness from the procedure has disappeared, you will be able to see the difference in your skin. It can even help your make-up sit better on your face because all of the little hairs have been removed. Don’t put make-up on straight after your treatment, however, if you can help it. It is always good to give your skin a little bit of time to breathe.
It should be done by a professional
You can buy tools exfoliating tools that you can use to give yourself a dermaplaning facial at home. Please be aware that you may not get the same results that you will get from a professional. It is also not advised to use a scalpel on your own face. By getting the treatment completed by a professional, you are not only guaranteeing a better result but allowing yourself a skincare treat. If you want an exfoliating product you can use at home, there are many other products to choose from.
Have you ever had dermaplaning? If you haven’t, is it something you would have done?
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